In behavioral applications to autism treatment, Behavior Consultant usually refers to the person who designs and manages the intervention program. Currently there is no regulatory body, so anyone can call themselves a “Behavior Consultant”. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board offers voluntary certification for Behavior Analysts at the Bachelors and Masters/PhD levels.
A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) will have (at minimum) a masters level education including 5 graduate-level behavior analytic courses, approved supervised or mentored experience, and pass a standardized examination. While the type of graduate degree is not specified, many BCBAs will have graduate degrees in Behavior Analysis, Psychology, or Special Education.
A Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) will have (at minimum) a Bachelors degree including required behavior analytic course work, approved supervised or mentored experience, and pass a standardized examination. NOTE: It is strongly recommended that BCABAs work under the supervision of a BCBA.
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